Wednesday, September 12, 2007

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bamboo in homeopathy

Bamboo is a grass which has its main distribution in Southeast Asia.
This plant from the family of grasses has long fascinated me and I'm always happy when I find in gardens and public spaces bamboo.
the more enthusiastic I was when I discovered that bamboo, this case, Bambusa arundinacea, 1994/95 was the homeopath Bernd Schuster tested as a homeopathic remedy. This remedy may be relatively unknown, but has a wide range of symptoms that cause it in healthy and heal the sick.

to plant :
bamboo can attain the height of a tree and consists of long tubes that are growing very fast. The walls of the smooth and elastic tubes are lignified and have a high content of silicon. Therefore, they can only cut hard. On the tubes with elongated shoots grow, mostly medium-sized leaves. Bamboo is evergreen.

In Asia, bamboo is used in many ways, including as Building material, as raw material for paper or as a food (bamboo shoots). Especially Japan has developed its own bamboo culture. The plant is an indispensable part of art, everyday life and home design. In Japanese gardens, bamboo is the most widely used plant, pine and Japanese maple next. As a motive he appears in art and photography, as well as decoration of screens, lamps and other artefacts. In Chinese symbolism, the bamboo is of great importance, many Asians identify themselves with the plant. It stands for family, home and the art of survival. In the 19th
Century came a few bamboo species to Europe and enjoy great popularity here.

bamboo in homeopathy :
After Bernd Schuster is the idea of bamboo disease, the lack of elasticity in the sense of tightness, tension or stiffness of bamboo .... The patient, often a wife and mother, this postponement of personal satisfaction and satisfaction as long as completed until it feels that it can not go on like ..."( Schuster: 163ff).. In addition to these and other mental symptoms, there are many physical symptoms, such as ankylosing spondylitis, the so-called bamboo spine and many types of back, neck and shoulder pain associated with overload. "Aggravated draft. It is a painful stiffness described ".. (Schuster: 172)
bamboo has the topic and lack of support, this refers to mind and body, where they can show in such a weakened lower back Schuster, in his book of patients struck by the fact that they rely more on the table with his head on his hands. bamboo has many other symptoms and can also be a help for women in menopause. The drug test showed a reference to the female hormone system.


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