Traditional Thai Massage
The origin of Thai massage and the origin of the Thais will be covered by thousands of years. Thailand, where the old streets all'inrocio has witnessed many migrations and absorbed elements of various cultures, especially the popular tradition buddica.La appointment Dzhivaka Kumar Bkhachkha the founder of Thai massage.
Secret System of Thai
On the theory of Thai medicine, the human body runs the so-called vital energy or internal energy. Drive connected by energy channels, all specific tissues and organs. A person is considered healthy if it can run only the energy smooth, balanced distribution throughout the body. Any obstruction of the current energy consumption leads to disease. Thai massage is required, energy channels. Due consideration, you can remove all the sealing of the flow of vital energy and avoid congestion. Thai massage helps to keep the proper distribution of energy in the body, maintains the elasticity of the muscles of their harmonic function Falic. The ability of the muscles in the extremities or is defined by the difference in length in a relaxed state and the functional. If the muscle is shorter curtains. If you have worked your muscles hard or not at all, is that the work is limited for various reasons, lose their elasticity. The weakening of the muscles leads to an uneven load on the spine. The result - back pain, lower back, neck and head that quickly become chronic. The Thai may extend the muscle, and the result is faster than other systems of massage.
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