Friday, October 15, 2010

What Can I Add To Gravy Granules To Improve Taste

on training in every human face ...

A man is the object of the world to draw.
Over the years, he fills the empty space with images of landscapes and kingdoms
mountains, bays, ships, horses and humans. Immediately before
his death, he discovered that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the image of his own

(Victor Borges)

So beautiful and so true. Our energy and our history shapes our outer appearance.
The lines of Victor Borges reminded me of the poetry book entry of my mother.
So I got the autograph after years again brought out of hiding:

"is in every human face, its history, and his love hate
be written clearly."


grateful for the solidarity of the words and thoughts to my Mother and the people who can feel the landscape in the body too or see - as well as in shiatsu or massage treatment see and feel is

I wish you now

a wonderfully relaxing weekend



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